Saturday, September 8, 2012

Endomondo Spinning Workout

Endomondo Spinning Workout: was out spinning - in 33m:00s using Endomondo.
Easy spin day before race since no time today to ride....

Friday, September 7, 2012

Endomondo Cycling Workout

Endomondo Cycling Workout: was out cycling 29.29 miles in 1h:52m:26s using Endomondo. Nice, easy, recovery ride. Great day in PA. lots of riders out. On a Friday morning!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Endomondo Cycling Workout

Endomondo Cycling Workout: was out cycling 27.05 miles in 1h:44m:13s using Endomondo. Tabata intervals and some climbing...

Endomondo Cycling Workout

Endomondo Cycling Workout: was out cycling 29.20 miles in 2h:11m:03s using Endomondo. HUP ride in York Co. Lots of gravel and dirt :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Well, yeah, it's been a while...

And cross season is 2 weeks away. I pretty much did what I said in my previous post. No weight training, no effing running. Just finished my plyo workouts a week ago and am ready for some intervals. Have way more miles in this year than last. We'll see how THAT goes. And maybe I'll finally learn how to race all out for as long as I can.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My New years resolution.

Of sorts. I have been training over the winters with weights and running. I hate both of these activities. Furthermore, they apparently have not helped me cycling-wise as I am pretty much at the same spot I have been for years. Possibly slower. I've had a revelation; I am going to have fun and just say "eff it" to those tedious tasks. I DO like doing yoga and pilates and I will do them, but mostly I'm going to ride as much as possible outside, ski when I can during the winter (if we ever get decent conditions; I'm not paying $40+ to ski on bunny slopes) and if the weather is just too nasty, ride the spinner. We'll see how this goes.