Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter bonus miles.

I love riding in the winter; no pressure, no intervals; avg speed is insignificant. Just being out there is the thing. I like to think of these rides as bonus miles. Sure, it's easy to go downstairs and hop on the trainer or spinning bike or rollers (and I am not above this) but it just isn't the same. Nothing works you like actually being on the bike, outdoors, in the weather. Lungs fill up with the fresh cold air; you feel alive. This is riding for the pure joy of it and there are no expectations. Add into the factor of an old steel fixie, and you are experiencing cycling as it was intended.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Well kids. This is it.

The new improved bloggie, along with the new, improved me. More news to come, but for now it's weights, running, pilates, and some fixed gear riding or time on the spin bike. And hopefully some skiing. All work and no play makes NVdK an unhappy boy!