Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well. I've been a slacker.

On this blog, anyway. Too much shit to do, too little time. Here's 2011 season in a nutshell;

  I really liked the new MAC format; single 45+ cat. Sure there were some fast m*therf*ckers out there but there aren't any sandbaggers so even though at the beginning of the season when I wasn't doing so well and getting lapped by a few guys, they were legitimately there and not some 35y/o who should have been sacking up and racing the 3's. Wound up doing some new races and most of them were great; Town hall cross in Bethlehem comes to mind. Great course even though I managed to go down 4! times. Sadly missed Ed Sander but got to race that weekend anyway (I think it was the same weekend). Got all of my wheels/tires set up and got really brave and started going with lower and lower tire pressures until I am pretty comfortable now with running them that low; makes a huge difference in cornering and smoothness on bumpy stuff. Speaking of cornering; between the lower tire pressures and my new BMC (which I absolutely LOVE) my bike handling has improved.
  Really nice to have a new HUP Mid Atlantic rider, a woman no less, Kim Z who rocked it. 2nd place for the series! I'm looking forward to next year because Killingsworth is back in the pack, so more HUPs at races=better races. Also got to meet some of my DC HUP brothers. Looking forward to seeing them next year.
  Started riding stronger at the end of the year and had good outings at Phelps (another 1st race for me and I loved it) and Limestone Cross (1st time again). Managed to beat Strickland so I won our personal little battle; 1 road and 1 cross win for me, 1 cross win for him. Now it's chill time, maybe get the mtb out of the cobwebs and rideable, and start riding/training again. Peace out everyone and here's to a safe, prosperous New Year and miles of smiles on the road and trails!

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