Maybe it's the weather (if you live in the Mid Atlantic you know what I mean). Maybe it's because I had that nasty virus that holds on for what seems to be forever. But my training is way off. Had less than 200 miles in March when last year I had over 400. That means there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to be doing any races any time soon. So. On to plan B. Ramp up the miles now and do a race in Mid to late May and work from there. Finally have all my bikes functioning properly. Have all the stuff I need (well, except for a few small items) for my new cross rig. I'm feeling like I want to do a few more road races instead of crits; just do better at them it seems. Still, I do love the fast pace of crits. It's on the bike tomorrow and time to up the mileage. Another reason I'm leaning towards road races is this;
I REALLY want to do this race. It's just insane enough to be fun.